@@ -4,9 +4,24 @@
* All rights reserved.
-structure JSONParser : sig
+structure JSONParser :> sig
- val parse : TextIO.instream -> JSON.value
+ (* abstract type of JSON input *)
+ type source = JSONSource.source
+ (* open a text input stream as a source *)
+ val openStream : TextIO.instream -> source
+ (* open a text file as a source *)
+ val openFile : string -> source
+ (* open a string as a source *)
+ val openString : string -> source
+ (* close a source *)
+ val close : source -> unit
+ val parse : source -> JSON.value
val parseFile : string -> JSON.value
@@ -16,34 +31,20 @@ structure JSONParser : sig
structure T = JSONTokens
structure J = JSON
- fun parse' (srcMap, inStrm) = let
- fun error (pos, msg, tok) = raise Fail(concat[
- "error ", AntlrStreamPos.spanToString srcMap pos, ": ",
- msg, ", found '", JSONTokens.toString tok, "'"
- ])
+ datatype source = datatype JSONSource.source
+ val openStream = JSONSource.openStream
+ val openFile = JSONSource.openFile
+ val openString = JSONSource.openString
+ val close = JSONSource.close
+ fun parse (Src{closed = ref true, ...}) = raise Fail "closed JSON source"
+ | parse (src as Src{srcMap, strm, ...}) = let
+ val errorMsg = JSONSource.errorMsg src
+ fun error arg = raise Fail(errorMsg arg)
val lexer = Lex.lex srcMap
- fun parse_sequence (is_tok_end, parse_item) (strm : Lex.strm, itms) = let
- fun is_tok_sep tok = case tok of T.COMMA => true | _ => false
- val (tok, pos, strm') = lexer strm
- in if is_tok_sep tok
- then error (pos, "parsing sequence", tok)
- else if is_tok_end tok
- then (strm', itms)
- else let val (strm'', itm) = parse_item strm
- val (tok', pos', strm''') = lexer strm''
- in if is_tok_end tok'
- then (strm''', itm :: itms)
- else if is_tok_sep tok'
- then let val (tok'', pos'', _) = lexer strm'''
- in if is_tok_end tok''
- then error (pos'', "parsing sequence", tok'')
- else parse_sequence (is_tok_end, parse_item) (strm''', itm :: itms)
- end
- else error (pos', "parsing sequence", tok')
- end
- end
fun parseValue (strm : Lex.strm) = let
- val (tok, pos, strm) = lexer strm
+ val (tok, span, strm) = lexer strm
case tok
of T.LB => parseArray strm
@@ -54,47 +55,62 @@ structure JSONParser : sig
| T.INT n => (strm, J.INT n)
| T.FLOAT f => (strm, J.FLOAT f)
| T.STRING s => (strm, J.STRING s)
- | _ => error (pos, "parsing value", tok)
+ | _ => error (span, "parsing value", tok)
(* end case *)
- and parseArray (strm : Lex.strm) = let
- fun is_RB tok = case tok of T.RB => true | _ => false
- val (strm', elmnts) = parse_sequence (is_RB, parseValue) (strm, [])
- in (strm', J.ARRAY(List.rev elmnts))
- end
+ and parseArray (strm : Lex.strm) = (case lexer strm
+ of (T.RB, _, strm) => (strm, J.ARRAY[])
+ | _ => let
+ fun loop (strm, items) = let
+ val (strm, v) = parseValue strm
+ (* expect either a "," or a "]" *)
+ val (tok, span, strm) = lexer strm
+ in
+ case tok
+ of T.RB => (strm, v::items)
+ | T.COMMA => loop (strm, v::items)
+ | _ => error (span, "parsing array", tok)
+ (* end case *)
+ end
+ val (strm, items) = loop (strm, [])
+ in
+ (strm, J.ARRAY(List.rev items))
+ end
+ (* end case *))
and parseObject (strm : Lex.strm) = let
- fun is_RCB tok = case tok of T.RCB => true | _ => false
- fun parse_field strm = let
- val (tok, pos, strm') = lexer strm
- in case tok
- of T.STRING s =>
- (case lexer strm'
- of (T.COLON, _, strm'') => let
- val (strm''', v) = parseValue strm''
- in (strm''', (s, v))
- end
- | (tok', pos', _) => error (pos', "parsing field", tok')
- (* end case *))
- | _ => error (pos, "parsing field", tok)
- (* end case *)
- end
- val (strm', flds) = parse_sequence (is_RCB, parse_field) (strm, [])
- in (strm', J.OBJECT(List.rev flds))
+ fun parseField ((T.STRING s, _, strm), flds) = (case lexer strm
+ of (T.COLON, _, strm) => let
+ val (strm, v) = parseValue strm
+ in
+ parseFields (strm, (s, v)::flds)
+ end
+ | (tok, span, _) => error (span, "parsing field", tok)
+ (* end case *))
+ | parseField ((tok, span, _), _) = error (span, "parsing field", tok)
+ and parseFields (strm, flds) = (case lexer strm
+ of (T.RCB, span, strm) => (strm, J.OBJECT(List.rev flds))
+ | (T.COMMA, span, strm) => parseField (lexer strm, flds)
+ | (tok, span, _) => error (span, "parsing object", tok)
+ (* end case *))
+ in
+ case lexer strm
+ of (T.RCB, span, strm) => (strm, J.OBJECT[])
+ | tokEtc => parseField (tokEtc, [])
+ (* end case *)
+ val (inStrm, value) = parseValue (!strm)
- #2 (parseValue (Lex.streamifyInstream inStrm))
+ strm := inStrm;
+ value
- fun parse inStrm = parse' (AntlrStreamPos.mkSourcemap (), inStrm)
fun parseFile fileName = let
- val inStrm = TextIO.openIn fileName
- val v = parse' (AntlrStreamPos.mkSourcemap' fileName, inStrm)
- handle ex => (TextIO.closeIn inStrm; raise ex)
+ val inStrm = openFile fileName
+ val v = parse inStrm
+ handle ex => (close inStrm; raise ex)
- TextIO.closeIn inStrm;
+ close inStrm;