@@ -97,21 +97,31 @@ structure JSONStreamPrinter : sig
| boolean (p, true) = prVal (p, "true")
fun integer (p, n) = prVal (p, F.format "%d" [F.LINT n])
fun float (p, f) = prVal (p, F.format "%g" [F.REAL f])
-(* FIXME: need to deal with UTF-* escapes *)
- (* fun string (p, s) = prVal (p, F.format "\"%s\"" [F.STR(String.toCString s)]) *)
- fun string (p, s) = (* RFC 7159 *)
- let fun esc #"\"" = "\\\""
- | esc #"\\" = "\\\\"
- | esc #"\b" = "\\b"
- | esc #"\f" = "\\f"
- | esc #"\n" = "\\n"
- | esc #"\r" = "\\r"
- | esc #"\t" = "\\t"
- | esc c = if c < #" "
- then "\\u" ^ (StringCvt.padLeft #"0" 4 (Int.fmt StringCvt.HEX (ord c)))
- else str c
- in prVal (p, "\"" ^ (String.translate esc s) ^ "\"")
- end
+ fun string (p, s) = let
+ fun getChar i = if (i < size s) then SOME(String.sub(s, i), i+1) else NONE
+ val getWChar = UTF8.getu getChar
+ fun tr (i, chrs) = (case getWChar i
+ of SOME(wchr, i) => if (wchr <= 0w126)
+ then (case UTF8.toAscii wchr
+ of #"\"" => "\\\""
+ | #"\\" => "\\\\"
+ | #"/" => "\\/"
+ | #"\b" => "\\b"
+ | #"\f" => "\\f"
+ | #"\n" => "\\n"
+ | #"\r" => "\\r"
+ | #"\t" => "\\t"
+ | c => if (wchr < 0w32)
+ then tr(i, F.format "\\u%04x" [F.WORD wchr] :: chrs)
+ else tr(i, str c :: chrs)
+ (* end case *))
+ else tr(i, F.format "\\u%04x" [F.WORD wchr] :: chrs)
+ | NONE => String.concat(List.rev chrs)
+ (* end case *))
+ in
+ prVal (p, F.format "\"%s\"" [F.STR(tr (0, []))])
+ end
fun beginObject (p as P{ctx, ...}) = (
optComma p;
pr (p, "{"); incIndent(p, 1); nl p;
@@ -143,10 +153,10 @@ structure JSONStreamPrinter : sig
fun endArray (p as P{ctx, ...}) = let
fun prEnd ctx' = (
ctx := ctx';
- nl p; indent(p, 0); pr(p, "]"); decIndent (p, 1))
+ indent(p, 0); pr(p, "]"); decIndent (p, 1))
case !ctx
- of ARRAY ctx' => prEnd ctx'
+ of ARRAY ctx' => (nl p; prEnd ctx')
| FIRST(ARRAY ctx') => prEnd ctx'
| _ => raise Fail "endArray not in array context"
(* end case *)