gre_ffdomesh.j2 716 B

  1. # This file is managed by ansible, don't make changes here - they will be overwritten.
  2. {% for host in groups['supernodes'] %}
  3. {% if ansible_ssh_host != hostvars[host].ansible_ssh_host and hostvars[host].hoster != hoster %}
  4. # GRE Tunnel between {{ ansible_hostname }} and {{host}}
  5. # IPv4: {{ primary_vnic_ip4 }} -> {{ hostvars[host].primary_vnic_ip4 }}
  6. # auto ffdo-gre-{{ ansible_hostname }}-{{host}}
  7. # iface ffdo-gre-{{ ansible_hostname }}-{{host}} inet static
  8. # address ???
  9. # netmask ???
  10. # pre-up ip link add $IFACE type gre local {{ primary_vnic_ip4 }} remote {{ hostvars[host].primary_vnic_ip4 }} ttl 255
  11. # pre-up ip link set $IFACE up multicast on
  12. #
  13. # IPv6: ToDo??
  14. {% endif %}
  15. {% endfor %}