12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334353637383940 |
- - name: check for ifupdown2
- stat: path=/sbin/ifreload
- register: ifreload
- - name: install dependencies (for compilation and runtime)
- apt:
- pkg: "{{ item }}"
- state: installed
- with_items:
- - python-all
- - debhelper
- - dh-systemd
- - python-ipaddr
- - python-argcomplete
- when: ifreload.stat.exists == False
- - name: clone repository
- git:
- repo: 'https://github.com/CumulusNetworks/ifupdown2.git'
- dest: /opt/ifupdown2
- version: debian-prep2
- update: yes
- force: yes
- when: ifreload.stat.exists == False
- - name: compile and create deb
- shell: "dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc -rfakeroot -b"
- args:
- chdir: "/opt/ifupdown2"
- when: ifreload.stat.exists == False
- - name: remove ifupdown1
- apt:
- pkg: ifupdown
- state: absent
- when: ifreload.stat.exists == False
- - name: install created deb package
- shell: "dpkg -i /opt/ifupdown2*deb"
- when: ifreload.stat.exists == False