@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+set -e
+#TODO: Support python virtual environments for now global
+COLOR_RED='\e[0;31m' # Red
+COLOR_YEL='\e[0;33m' # Yellow
+# This current directory.
+DIR=$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )
+ROOT_DIR=$(cd "$DIR/../../" && pwd)
+msg_exit() {
+ printf "$COLOR_RED$@$COLOR_END"
+ printf "\n"
+ printf "Exiting...\n"
+ exit 1
+msg_warning() {
+ printf "$COLOR_YEL$@$COLOR_END"
+ printf "\n"
+# Check your environment
+if [ "$system" == "Linux" ]; then
+ distro=$(lsb_release -i)
+ if [[ $distro == *"Ubuntu"* ]] || [[ $distro == *"Debian"* ]] ;then
+ msg_warning "Your running Debian based linux.\n You might need to install 'sudo apt-get install build-essential python-dev\n."
+ # TODO: check if ubuntu and install build-essential, and python-dev
+ else
+ msg_warning "Your linux system was not tested"
+ fi
+# Check if root
+# Since we need to make sure paths are okay we need to run as normal user he will use ansible
+[[ "$(whoami)" == "root" ]] && msg_exit "Please run as a normal user not root"
+# Check python
+[[ -z "$(which python)" ]] && msg_exit "Opps python is not installed or not in your path."
+# Check pip
+[[ -z "$(which pip)" ]] && msg_exit "pip is not installed!\nYou can try'sudo easy_install pip'"
+# Check python file
+[[ ! -f "$PYTHON_REQUIREMNTS_FILE" ]] && msg_exit "python_requirements '$PYTHON_REQUIREMNTS_FILE' does not exist or permssion issue.\nPlease check and rerun."
+# Check for bundler
+[[ -z "$(which bundle)" ]] && msg_exit "Oops you need bundler to install ruby dependencies (http://bundler.io/)"
+# Install
+# By default we upgrade all packges to latest. if we need to pin packages use the python_requirements
+echo "This script install python packages defined in '$PYTHON_REQUIREMNTS_FILE' "
+echo "Since we only support global packages installation for now we need root password."
+echo "You will be asked for your password."
+sudo -H pip install --upgrade --requirement "$PYTHON_REQUIREMNTS_FILE"
+echo "This script will now install ruby dependencies via bundler"
+bundle install --gemfile=$GEMFILE
+#Touch vault password file
+echo "Touching vault password file"
+if [ -w "$ROOT_DIR" ]
+ touch "$ROOT_DIR/.vault-password"
+ sudo touch "$ROOT_DIR/.vault-password"
+exit 0