Forráskód Böngészése

Added basis for map-server role

Till Klocke 9 éve
1 módosított fájl, 17 hozzáadás és 131 törlés
  1. 17 131

+ 17 - 131

@@ -1,138 +1,24 @@
-  author: your name
-  description: 
-  company: your company (optional)
-  # If the issue tracker for your role is not on github, uncomment the
-  # next line and provide a value
-  # issue_tracker_url:
-  # Some suggested licenses:
-  # - BSD (default)
-  # - MIT
-  # - GPLv2
-  # - GPLv3
-  # - Apache
-  # - CC-BY
-  license: license (GPLv2, CC-BY, etc)
+  author: Till Klocke
+  description: Creates a map server to visualize the mesh of a Freifunk Community
+  company: Freifunk Dortmund
+  license: MIT
   min_ansible_version: 1.2
-  #
-  # Below are all platforms currently available. Just uncomment
-  # the ones that apply to your role. If you don't see your 
-  # platform on this list, let us know and we'll get it added!
-  #
-  #platforms:
-  #- name: EL
-  #  versions:
-  #  - all
-  #  - 5
-  #  - 6
-  #  - 7
-  #- name: GenericUNIX
-  #  versions:
-  #  - all
-  #  - any
-  #- name: Fedora
-  #  versions:
-  #  - all
-  #  - 16
-  #  - 17
-  #  - 18
-  #  - 19
-  #  - 20
-  #  - 21
-  #  - 22
-  #- name: Windows
-  #  versions:
-  #  - all
-  #  - 2012R2
-  #- name: SmartOS
-  #  versions:
-  #  - all
-  #  - any
-  #- name: opensuse
-  #  versions:
-  #  - all
-  #  - 12.1
-  #  - 12.2
-  #  - 12.3
-  #  - 13.1
-  #  - 13.2
-  #- name: Amazon
-  #  versions:
-  #  - all
-  #  - 2013.03
-  #  - 2013.09
-  #- name: GenericBSD
-  #  versions:
-  #  - all
-  #  - any
-  #- name: FreeBSD
-  #  versions:
-  #  - all
-  #  - 8.0
-  #  - 8.1
-  #  - 8.2
-  #  - 8.3
-  #  - 8.4
-  #  - 9.0
-  #  - 9.1
-  #  - 9.1
-  #  - 9.2
-  #- name: Ubuntu
-  #  versions:
-  #  - all
-  #  - lucid
-  #  - maverick
-  #  - natty
-  #  - oneiric
-  #  - precise
-  #  - quantal
-  #  - raring
-  #  - saucy
-  #  - trusty
-  #  - utopic
-  #  - vivid
-  #- name: SLES
-  #  versions:
-  #  - all
-  #  - 10SP3
-  #  - 10SP4
-  #  - 11
-  #  - 11SP1
-  #  - 11SP2
-  #  - 11SP3
-  #- name: GenericLinux
-  #  versions:
-  #  - all
-  #  - any
-  #- name: Debian
-  #  versions:
-  #  - all
-  #  - etch
-  #  - jessie
-  #  - lenny
-  #  - squeeze
-  #  - wheezy
-  #
-  # Below are all categories currently available. Just as with
-  # the platforms above, uncomment those that apply to your role.
-  #
-  #categories:
-  #- cloud
-  #- cloud:ec2
-  #- cloud:gce
-  #- cloud:rax
-  #- clustering
-  #- database
-  #- database:nosql
-  #- database:sql
-  #- development
-  #- monitoring
-  #- networking
-  #- packaging
-  #- system
-  #- web
+  platforms:
+  - name: Ubuntu
+    versions:
+    - all
+  - name: Debian
+    versions:
+    - all
+  categories:
+  - monitoring
+  - networking
+  - system
+  - web
 - batman
 - alfred
+- alfred-json
 - supernode-interfaces