@@ -41,17 +41,17 @@ iface meshdummy0 inet manual
# batman-adv Mesh Interface, wird von meshdummy0 per Hotplug aktiviert
allow-hotplug bat0
iface bat0 inet static
- address {{supernode_mesh_ipv4}}
- netmask {{supernode_mesh_netmask_ipv4}}
+ address {{supernode_mesh_ipv4|ipaddr('address')}}
+ netmask {{supernode_mesh_ipv4|ipaddr('netmask')}}
hwaddress {{supernode_bat_macaddress}}
- pre-up ip rule add from {{supernode_mesh_net_cidr}} table 42
- pre-up ip rule add to {{supernode_mesh_net_cidr}} table 42
+ pre-up ip rule add from {{supernode_mesh_ipv4}} table 42
+ pre-up ip rule add to {{supernode_mesh_ipv4}} table 42
pre-up batctl it 5000
pre-up batctl bl 0
pre-up batctl gw server 48mbit/48mbit
pre-up echo 120 > /sys/class/net/$IFACE/mesh/hop_penalty
- post-down ip rule del from {{supernode_mesh_net_cidr}} table 42
- post-down ip rule del to {{supernode_mesh_net_cidr}} table 42
+ post-down ip rule del from {{supernode_mesh_ipv4}} table 42
+ post-down ip rule del to {{supernode_mesh_ipv4}} table 42
# Paralleles Macvlan-Interface mit fixer MTU fuer Alfred
up ip link add link $IFACE alfred0 type macvlan
up ip link set dev alfred0 mtu 1280
@@ -61,10 +61,10 @@ iface bat0 inet static
iface bat0 inet6 static
address {{supernode_mesh_ipv6}}
- pre-up ip -6 rule add from {{supernode_mesh_net_ipv6}} table 42
- pre-up ip -6 rule add to {{supernode_mesh_net_ipv6}} table 42
- post-down ip -6 rule del from {{supernode_mesh_net_ipv6}} table 42
- post-down ip -6 rule del to {{supernode_mesh_net_ipv6}} table 42
+ pre-up ip -6 rule add from {{supernode_mesh_ipv6|ipaddr('cidr')}} table 42
+ pre-up ip -6 rule add to {{supernode_mesh_ipv6|ipaddr('cidr')}} table 42
+ post-down ip -6 rule del from {{supernode_mesh_ipv6|ipaddr('cidr')}} table 42
+ post-down ip -6 rule del to {{supernode_mesh_ipv6|ipaddr('cidr')}} table 42
#pre-up ebtables -A FORWARD -p IPv6 -i $IFACE --ip6-proto ipv6-icmp --ip6-icmp-type router-advertisement -j DROP
{% if supernode_mesh_backbones is defined %}