@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+- name: install unbound for Debian OS family
+ apt: pkg=unbound state={{ unbound_pkg_state }}
+ when: ansible_os_family == 'Debian' and unbound_only_zones == false
+ tags: ["packages","unbound"]
+- name: install unbound for RedHat OS family
+ yum: name=unbound state={{ unbound_pkg_state }}
+ when: ansible_os_family == 'RedHat' and unbound_only_zones == false
+ tags: ["packages","unbound"]
+- name: Ensure zones folder exist
+ file: path=/etc/unbound/conf.d state=directory mode=755
+ notify: restart unbound
+ tags: ["configuration","unbound"]
+- name: Ensure log file exist
+ file: path={{unbound_logfile}} state=touch mode=755 owner=unbound
+ notify: restart unbound
+ tags: ["configuration","unbound"]
+- name: configure add independant config file
+ template:
+ src={{item}}.j2
+ dest="/etc/unbound/conf.d/{{item}}"
+ with_items:
+ - 01general.conf
+ - 99forward_zone.conf
+ notify: restart unbound
+ when: unbound_only_zones == false
+ tags: ["configuration","unbound"]
+- name: configure unbound zones
+ template:
+ src=10zone.conf.j2
+ dest="/etc/unbound/conf.d/10{{item.name}}.conf"
+ with_items: unbound_zones
+ notify: restart unbound
+ tags: ["configuration","unbound"]
+- name: retreive unbound conf file list
+ shell: /bin/ls /etc/unbound/conf.d/
+ register: unbound_conf_list
+ always_run: true
+ tags: ["configuration","unbound"]
+- name: configure unbound.conf to include all configuration
+ template:
+ src=unbound.conf.j2
+ dest=/etc/unbound/unbound.conf
+ validate="/usr/sbin/unbound-checkconf %s"
+ notify: restart unbound
+ tags: ["configuration","unbound"]
+- name: ensure unbound is started/stopped
+ service:
+ name=unbound
+ state={{ unbound_service_state }}
+ enabled={{ unbound_service_enabled }}
+ pattern="unbound"
+ tags: ["service","unbound"]