@@ -1,121 +1,5 @@
require 'serverspec'
require 'serverspec'
-# Required by serverspec
-set :backend, :exec
-describe package('fastd') do
- it { should be_installed }
-# Ansible seems to have problems to enable a service. Needs investigation
-describe service('fastd') do
- it { should be_running }
-# it { should be_enabled }
-# Detection of running service fails in Debian 7.8. Needs investigation.
-#describe service('rng-tools') do
-# it { should be_running }
-# it { should be_enabled }
-describe file('/etc/fastd/fastd-blacklist.sh') do
- it { should exist }
- it { should be_executable }
-describe port(10000) do
- it { should be_listening.with('udp6') }
-describe port(10001) do
- it { should be_listening.with('udp6') }
-describe package('rng-tools') do
- it { should be_installed }
-describe file('/etc/default/rng-tools') do
- it { should exist }
- its(:content) { should match /HRNGDEVICE=\/dev\/urandom/ }
-describe user('fastd') do
- it { should exist }
- it { should have_login_shell '/bin/false' }
-describe package('batctl') do
- it {should be_installed }
-describe kernel_module('batman_adv') do
- it { should be_loaded }
-describe package('bird') do
- it { should be_installed }
-describe file('/etc/bird/bird.conf') do
- it { should exist }
- its(:content) { should contain 'router id;' }
-describe file('/etc/bird/bird6.conf') do
- it { should exist }
- its(:content) { should contain 'router id;' }
-# At least on Ubuntu doesn't open a port. Is this a problem?
-#describe port(179) do
-# it { should be_listening.with('tcp') }
-# it { should be_listening.with('tcp6') }
-#describe service('bird') do
-# it { should be_running }
-# it { should be_enabled }
-#describe service('bird6') do
-# it { should be_running }
-# it { should be_enabled }
-describe interface('meshdummy0') do
- it { should exist }
-describe interface('alfred0') do
- it { should exist }
-describe interface('bat0') do
- it { should exist }
-describe interface('eth0') do
- it { should exist }
-describe interface('tap00') do
- it { should exist }
-describe interface('tap01') do
- it { should exist }
-describe interface('test-node02') do
- it { should exist }
-describe interface('ffanon-uplink1') do
- it { should exist }
describe cron do
describe cron do
it { should have_entry '*/5 * * * * wget -q -O /etc/fastd/fastd-blacklist.json https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ffruhr/fastdbl/master/fastd-blacklist.json' }
it { should have_entry '*/5 * * * * wget -q -O /etc/fastd/fastd-blacklist.json https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ffruhr/fastdbl/master/fastd-blacklist.json' }