@@ -1,271 +0,0 @@
-## dhcpd.conf
-{% if dhcp_use_ansible_managed %}# {{ ansible_managed }}{% endif %}
-# Do not edit manually
-{% if dhcp_omapi_port is defined %}
-omapi-port {{ dhcp_omapi_port }};
-{% endif %}
-# option definitions common to all supported networks...
-{% if dhcp_common_domain is defined %}
-option domain-name "{{ dhcp_common_domain }}";
-{% endif %}
-{% if dhcp_common_nameservers is defined %}
-option domain-name-servers {{ dhcp_common_nameservers }};
-{% endif %}
-{% if dhcp_common_default_lease_time is defined %}
-default-lease-time {{ dhcp_common_default_lease_time }};
-{% endif %}
-{% if dhcp_common_max_lease_time is defined %}
-max-lease-time {{ dhcp_common_max_lease_time }};
-{% endif %}
-# Dynamic DNS
-ddns-updates {{ dhcp_ddns_updates | ternary("on", "off") }};
-ddns-update-style {{ dhcp_ddns_update_style }};
-{{ dhcp_ddns_client_updates | ternary("allow", "ignore") }} client-updates;
-{{ dhcp_ddns_unknown_clients | ternary("allow", "ignore") }} unknown-clients;
-update-static-leases {{ dhcp_ddns_update_static_leases | ternary("on", "off") }};
-{% if dhcp_ddns_keys is defined %}
-{% for key in dhcp_ddns_keys %}
-key {{ key.name }} {
- algorithm hmac-md5;
- secret {{ key.value }};
-{% endfor %}
-{% endif %}
-{% if dhcp_ddns_zones is defined %}
-{% for zone in dhcp_ddns_zones %}
-zone {{ zone.name }}. {
- primary {{ zone.primary }};
- key {{ zone.key }};
-{% endfor %}
-{% endif %}
-{% if dhcp_common_authoritative is defined %}
-# If this DHCP server is the official DHCP server for the local
-# network, the authoritative directive should be uncommented.
-{% endif %}
-{% if dhcp_common_log_facility is defined %}
-# Use this to send dhcp log messages to a different log file (you also
-# have to hack syslog.conf to complete the redirection).
-log-facility {{ dhcp_common_log_facility }};
-{% endif %}
-{% if dhcp_common_options is defined %}
-{% if dhcp_common_enable_pxe_boot %}
-filename "{{ dhcp_common_pxe_boot_file }}";
-next-server {{ dhcp_common_pxe_boot_server }};
-{% endif %}
-#DHCP options
-{% for o in dhcp_common_options %}
-option {{ o }};
-{% endfor %}
-{% endif %}
-{% if dhcp_common_parameters is defined %}
-#DHCP parameters
-{% for p in dhcp_common_parameters %}
-{{ p }};
-{% endfor %}
-{% endif %}
-{% if dhcp_classes is defined %}
-# Classes
-{% for c in dhcp_classes %}
-class "{{ c.name }}" {
- {{ c.rule }};
-{% if c.options is defined %}
-{% for i in c.options %}
- option {{ i.opt }};
-{% endfor %}
-{% endif %}
-{% endfor %}
-{% endif %}
-{% if dhcp_hosts is defined %}
-# Hosts
-{% for h in dhcp_hosts %}
-host {{ h.name }} {
- hardware ethernet {{ h.mac_address }};
- ddns-hostname {{ h.name }};
-{% if h.fixed_address is defined %}
- fixed-address {{ h.fixed_address }};
-{% endif %}
-{% if h.routers is defined %}
- option routers {{ h.routers }};
-{% endif %}
-{% if h.broadcast_address is defined %}
- option broadcast-address {{ h.broadcast_address }};
-{% endif %}
-{% if h.domain_nameservers is defined %}
- option domain-name-servers {{ h.domain_nameservers }};
-{% endif %}
-{% if h.domain_name is defined %}
- option domain-name "{{ h.domain_name }}";
-{% endif %}
-{% if h.default_lease_time is defined %}
- default-lease-time {{ h.default_lease_time }};
-{% endif %}
-{% if h.max_lease_time is defined %}
- max-lease-time {{ h.max_lease_time }};
-{% endif %}
-{% if h.parameters is defined %}
-{% for p in h.parameters %}
- {{ p }};
-{% endfor %}
-{% endif %}
-{% endfor %}
-{% endif %}
-{% if dhcp_subnets is defined %}
-# Subnets
-{% for s in dhcp_subnets %}
-subnet {{ s.base }} netmask {{ s.netmask }} {
-{% if s.interface is defined %}
- interface "{{ s.interface }}";
-{% endif %}
-{% if s.range_start is defined %}
- range {{ s.range_start }} {{ s.range_end }};
-{% endif %}
-{% if s.routers is defined %}
- option routers {{ s.routers }};
-{% endif %}
-{% if s.broadcast_address is defined %}
- option broadcast-address {{ s.broadcast_address }};
-{% endif %}
-{% if s.domain_nameservers is defined %}
- option domain-name-servers {{ s.domain_nameservers }};
-{% endif %}
-{% if s.domain_name is defined %}
- option domain-name "{{ s.domain_name }}";
-{% endif %}
-{% if s.ntp_servers is defined %}
- option ntp-servers {{ s.ntp_servers }};
-{% endif %}
-{% if s.default_lease_time is defined %}
- default-lease-time {{ s.default_lease_time }};
-{% endif %}
-{% if s.max_lease_time is defined %}
- max-lease-time {{ s.max_lease_time }};
-{% endif %}
-{% if s.pools is defined %}
-{% for p in s.pools %}
- pool {
-{% if p.rule is defined %}
- {{ p.rule }};
-{% endif %}
- range {{ p.range_start }} {{ p.range_end }};
-{% if p.parameters is defined %}
-{% for param in p.parameters %}
- {{ param }};
-{% endfor %}
-{% endif %}
- }
-{% endfor %}
-{% endif %}
-{% if s.parameters is defined %}
-{% for p in s.parameters %}
- {{ p }};
-{% endfor %}
-{% endif %}
-{% endfor %}
-{% endif %}
-{% if dhcp_shared_networks is defined %}
-# Shared networks
-{% for n in dhcp_shared_networks %}
-shared-network {{ n.name }} {
-{% if n.interface is defined %}
- interface "{{ n.interface }}";
-{% endif %}
-{% for s in n.subnets %}
- subnet {{ s.base }} netmask {{ s.netmask }} {
-{% if s.range_start is defined %}
- range {{ s.range_start }} {{ s.range_end }};
-{% endif %}
-{% if s.routers is defined %}
- option routers {{ s.routers }};
-{% endif %}
-{% if s.broadcast_address is defined %}
- option broadcast-address {{ s.broadcast_address }};
-{% endif %}
-{% if s.domain_nameservers is defined %}
- option domain-name-servers {{ s.domain_nameservers }};
-{% endif %}
-{% if s.domain_name is defined %}
- option domain-name "{{ s.domain_name }}";
-{% endif %}
-{% if s.ntp_servers is defined %}
- option ntp-servers {{ s.ntp_servers }};
-{% endif %}
-{% if s.default_lease_time is defined %}
- default-lease-time {{ s.default_lease_time }};
-{% endif %}
-{% if s.max_lease_time is defined %}
- max-lease-time {{ s.max_lease_time }};
-{% endif %}
-{% if s.pools is defined %}
-{% for p in s.pools %}
- pool {
-{% if p.rule is defined %}
- {{ p.rule }};
-{% endif %}
- range {{ p.range_start }} {{ p.range_end }};
-{% if p.parameters is defined %}
-{% for param in p.parameters %}
- {{ param }};
-{% endfor %}
-{% endif %}
- }
-{% endfor %}
-{% endif %}
-{% if s.parameters is defined %}
-{% for param in s.parameters %}
- {{ param }};
-{% endfor %}
-{% endif %}
- }
-{% endfor %}
-{% if n.pools is defined %}
-{% for p in n.pools %}
- pool {
- {{ p.rule }};
- range {{ p.range_start }} {{ p.range_end }};
-{% if p.parameters is defined %}
-{% for param in p.parameters %}
- {{ param }};
-{% endfor %}
-{% endif %}
- }
-{% endfor %}
-{% endif %}
-{% if n.parameters is defined %}
-{% for p in n.parameters %}
- {{ p }};
-{% endfor %}
-{% endif %}
-{% endfor %}
-{% endif %}
-{% if dhcp_ifelse is defined %}
-# If else clauses
-{% for ie in dhcp_ifelse %}
-if {{ ie.condition }} {
- {{ ie.val }}
-}{% if ie.else is defined %}{% for e in ie.else %} else {
- {{ e.val }}
-}{% endfor %}
-{% endif %}
-{% endfor %}
-{% endif %}