@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+# This file describes the network interfaces available on your system
+# and how to activate them. For more information, see interfaces(5).
+# This file is generated by ansible
+## Host Interfaces
+auto lo
+iface lo inet loopback
+{%for interface in supernode_interfaces %}
+{% if interface.auto is defined and interface.auto %}
+auto {{interface.name}}
+{% endif %}
+{% if interface.hotplug is defined and interface.hotplug %}
+allow-hotplug {{interface.name}}
+{% endif %}
+iface {{interface.name}} {{interface.proto}} {{interface.type}}
+{% if interface.config is defined %}
+{% for config in interface.config %}
+ {{config.key}} {{config.value}}
+{% endfor %}
+{% endif %}
+{% endfor %}
+## Supernode / Node Mesh
+# Dummy-Interface als MainIF mit manueller MAC fuer batman-adv
+auto meshdummy0
+iface meshdummy0 inet manual
+ pre-up ip link add $IFACE type dummy
+ pre-up ip link set address {{supernode_mesh_mac}} dev $IFACE
+ pre-up ip link set up dev $IFACE
+ post-down ip link set down dev $IFACE
+ post-down ip link del dev $IFACE
+ up batctl if add $IFACE
+# batman-adv Mesh Interface, wird von meshdummy0 per Hotplug aktiviert
+allow-hotplug bat0
+iface bat0 inet static
+ address {{supernode_mesh_ipv4}}
+ netmask {{supernode_mesh_netmask_ipv4}}
+ hwaddress {{supernode_bat_macaddress}}
+ pre-up ip rule add from {{supernode_mesh_net_cidr}} table 42
+ pre-up ip rule add to {{supernode_mesh_net_cidr}} table 42
+ pre-up batctl it 5000
+ pre-up batctl bl 0
+ pre-up batctl gw server 48mbit/48mbit
+ pre-up echo 120 > /sys/class/net/$IFACE/mesh/hop_penalty
+ post-down ip rule del from {{supernode_mesh_net_cidr}} table 42
+ post-down ip rule del to {{supernode_mesh_net_cidr}} table 42
+ # Paralleles Macvlan-Interface mit fixer MTU fuer Alfred
+ up ip link add link $IFACE alfred0 type macvlan
+ up ip link set dev alfred0 mtu 1280
+ up ip link set up dev alfred0
+ down ip link set down dev alfred0
+ down ip link del dev alfred0
+iface bat0 inet6 static
+ address {{supernode_mesh_ipv6}}
+ pre-up ip -6 rule add from {{supernode_mesh_net_ipv6}} table 42
+ pre-up ip -6 rule add to {{supernode_mesh_net_ipv6}} table 42
+ post-down ip -6 rule del from {{supernode_mesh_net_ipv6}} table 42
+ post-down ip -6 rule del to {{supernode_mesh_net_ipv6}} table 42
+ #pre-up ebtables -A FORWARD -p IPv6 -i $IFACE --ip6-proto ipv6-icmp --ip6-icmp-type router-advertisement -j DROP
+{% if supernode_mesh_backbones is defined %}
+{% for backbone in supernode_mesh_backbones %}
+{% if backbone.comment is defined %}
+# {{backbone.comment}}
+{% endif %}
+auto {{backbone.name}}
+iface {{backbone.name}} inet manual
+ pre-up ip link add $IFACE type gretap local {{supernode_local_ip}} remote {{backbone.remote_ip}} dev eth0
+ pre-up ip link set up dev $IFACE
+ up batctl if add $IFACE
+ post-down ip link set down dev $IFACE
+{% endfor %}
+{% endif %}
+## Uplink-Tunnel zum FFRG/FFRL-Backbone
+{% if supernode_uplinks is defined %}
+{% for uplink in supernode_uplinks %}
+{% if uplink.comment is defined %}
+# {{uplink.comment}}
+{% endif %}
+auto {{uplink.name}}
+iface {{uplink.name}} inet tunnel
+ mode gre
+ address {{uplink.address}}
+ dstaddr {{uplink.dstaddr}}
+ netmask {{uplink.netmask}}
+ local {{supernode_local_ip}}
+ endpoint {{uplink.endpoint}}
+ mtu 1400
+ ttl 64
+iface {{uplink.name}} inet6 static
+ address {{uplink.address_v6}}
+{% endfor %}
+{% endif %}