--- - name: Ensure bird repository key is installed apt_key: id: 4A7A714D data: "{{ lookup('file', 'bird.gpg') }}" - name: Ensure bird Debian repository is installed apt_repository: repo='deb http://bird.network.cz/debian {{ ansible_lsb.codename|lower }} main' - name: Ensure bird routing daemon is installed apt: name=bird install_recommends=no - name: Ensure bird include dirs exists file: name=/etc/bird/{{item}} state=directory with_items: - conf6.d - conf.d - name: Install bird6.conf template: src=bird6.conf.j2 dest=/etc/bird/bird6.conf notify: Reload bird daemons - name: Install bird.conf template: src=bird.conf.j2 dest=/etc/bird/bird.conf notify: Reload bird daemons - name: Enable and start bird and bird6 service: name={{item}} state=started enabled=yes with_items: - bird6 - bird