# tasks file for alfred

- include: debian.yml
  when: ansible_distribution == 'Debian' or ansible_distribution == 'Ubuntu'

- name: Download alfred source code
  get_url: dest=/usr/src url={{alfred_source_url}}

- name: Extract alfred source code
  unarchive: src=/usr/src/alfred-{{alfred_version}}.tar.gz dest=/usr/src copy=no

- name: Copy libcap patch to src directory
  when: alfred_libcap_dev_broken
  template: src=libcap.patch.j2 dest=/usr/src/alfred-{{alfred_version}}/libcap.patch

- name: Patch makefile to fix broken libcap-dev package on Debian and Ubuntu
  when: alfred_libcap_dev_broken
  patch: basedir=/usr/src/alfred-{{alfred_version}} src=/usr/src/alfred-{{alfred_version}}/libcap.patch remote_src=True strip=0

- name: Compile and install alfred
  shell: make && make install
    chdir: /usr/src/alfred-{{alfred_version}}