- ---
- # libpam-systemd and dbus (dependency) are needed for timedatectl to work
- - name: ensure libpam-systemd is installed
- apt: name=libpam-systemd install_recommends=no
- - name: ensure timezone is set to CET
- command: timedatectl set-timezone CET
- when: ansible_date_time.tz != "CET"
- - name: ensure NTP is enabled
- shell: "timedatectl | grep 'NTP enabled: yes' || timedatectl set-ntp 1"
- register: ntp_shell_result
- changed_when: "ntp_shell_result.stdout == '' and ntp_shell_result.rc == 0"
- failed_when: "ntp_shell_result.rc != 0"