123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051 |
- require 'serverspec'
- # Required by serverspec
- set :backend, :exec
- describe package('fastd') do
- it { should be_installed }
- end
- # Ansible seems to have problems to enable a service. Needs investigation
- describe service('fastd') do
- it { should be_running }
- # it { should be_enabled }
- end
- describe file('/etc/fastd/fastd-blacklist.sh') do
- it { should exist }
- it { should be_executable }
- end
- describe port(10000) do
- it { should be_listening.with('udp6') }
- end
- describe port(10001) do
- it { should be_listening.with('udp6') }
- end
- describe package('rng-tools') do
- it { should be_installed }
- end
- describe file('/etc/default/rng-tools') do
- it { should exist }
- its(:content) { should match /HRNGDEVICE=\/dev\/urandom/ }
- end
- # Detection of running service fails in Debian 7.8. Needs investigation.
- #describe service('rng-tools') do
- # it { should be_running }
- # it { should be_enabled }
- #end
- describe process("rngd") do
- it { should be_running }
- end
- describe user('fastd') do
- it { should exist }
- it { should have_login_shell '/bin/false' }
- end