12345678910111213141516171819 |
- - name: Check if blacklist file exists
- stat: path=/etc/fastd/fastd-blacklist.json
- register: blacklist
- - name: Ensure blacklist file exists
- file: name=/etc/fastd/fastd-blacklist.json state=touch owner=fastd
- when: not blacklist.stat.exists
- - name: Install crontab to update the blacklist
- cron:
- name: Update fastd blacklist
- cron_file: fastd-blacklist
- user: fastd
- minute: '*/5'
- job: curl -s -o /etc/fastd/fastd-blacklist.json https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ffruhr/fastdbl/master/fastd-blacklist.json
- - name: Install verify shell script
- copy: src=fastd-blacklist.sh dest=/etc/fastd/fastd-blacklist.sh mode="u=rwx,g=rx,o=rx"