gitit.conf 13 KB

  1. # gitit wiki configuration file
  2. address:
  3. # sets the IP address on which the web server will listen.
  4. port: 5001
  5. # sets the port on which the web server will run.
  6. wiki-title: Freifunk Dortmund
  7. # the title of the wiki.
  8. #repository-type: Git
  9. repository-type: Darcs
  10. # specifies the type of repository used for wiki content.
  11. # Options are Git, Darcs, and Mercurial.
  12. repository-path: wikidata
  13. # specifies the path of the repository directory. If it does not
  14. # exist, gitit will create it on startup.
  15. require-authentication: modify
  16. # if 'none', login is never required, and pages can be edited anonymously.
  17. # if 'modify', login is required to modify the wiki (edit, add, delete
  18. # pages, upload files).
  19. # if 'read', login is required to see any wiki pages.
  20. authentication-method: form
  21. # 'form' means that users will be logged in and registered
  22. # using forms in the gitit web interface. 'http' means
  23. # that gitit will assume that HTTP authentication is in
  24. # place and take the logged in username from the "Authorization"
  25. # field of the HTTP request header (in addition,
  26. # the login/logout and registration links will be
  27. # suppressed). 'generic' means that gitit will assume that
  28. # some form of authentication is in place that directly
  29. # sets REMOTE_USER to the name of the authenticated user
  30. # (e.g. mod_auth_cas on apache). 'rpx' means that gitit
  31. # will attempt to log in through
  32. # This requires that 'rpx-domain', 'rpx-key', and 'base-url'
  33. # be set below, and that 'curl' be in the system path.
  34. # 'github' means that you are redirected to github website and
  35. # need to avail gitit to use your credential from there (github name and
  36. # email). Your email is used to identify you when you push your wiki data
  37. # to git to identify you as the author.
  38. user-file: wikidata/_NOWIKI/gitit-users
  39. # specifies the path of the file containing user login information.
  40. # If it does not exist, gitit will create it (with an empty user list).
  41. # This file is not used if 'http' is selected for authentication-method.
  42. session-timeout: 60
  43. # number of minutes of inactivity before a session expires.
  44. static-dir: wikidata/_NOWIKI/static
  45. # specifies the path of the static directory (containing javascript,
  46. # css, and images). If it does not exist, gitit will create it
  47. # and populate it with required scripts, stylesheets, and images.
  48. default-extension: page
  49. # files in the repository path must have this extension in order
  50. # to be recognized as Wiki pages
  51. default-page-type: Markdown
  52. # default-page-type: DocBook
  53. # specifies the type of markup used to interpret pages in the wiki.
  54. # Possible values are Markdown, CommonMark, RST, LaTeX, HTML, Markdown+LHS,
  55. # RST+LHS, LaTeX+LHS, DocBook, Org. (The +LHS variants treat the input as
  56. # literate Haskell. See pandoc's documentation for more details.) If
  57. # Markdown is selected, pandoc's syntax extensions (for footnotes,
  58. # delimited code blocks, etc.) will be enabled. Note that pandoc's
  59. # reStructuredText parser is not complete, so some pages may not be
  60. # rendered correctly if RST is selected. The same goes for LaTeX and
  61. # HTML.
  62. math: mathjax
  63. # specifies how LaTeX math is to be displayed. Possible values
  64. # are MathML, raw, mathjax, jsMath, and google. If mathml is selected,
  65. # gitit will convert LaTeX math to MathML and link in a script,
  66. # MathMLinHTML.js, that allows the MathML to be seen in Gecko browsers, IE +
  67. # mathplayer, and Opera. In other browsers you may get a jumble of characters.
  68. # If raw is selected, the LaTeX math will be displayed as raw LaTeX math.
  69. # If mathjax is selected, gitit will link to the remote mathjax script.
  70. # If jsMath is selected, gitit will link to the script /js/jsMath/easy/load.js,
  71. # and will assume that jsMath has been installed into the js/jsMath directory.
  72. # This is the most portable solution. If google is selected, the google chart
  73. # API is called to render the formula as an image. This requires a connection
  74. # to google, and might raise a technical or a privacy problem.
  75. mathjax-script:
  76. # specifies the path to MathJax rendering script.
  77. # You might want to use your own MathJax script to render formulas without
  78. # Internet connection or if you want to use some special LaTeX packages.
  79. # Note: path specified there cannot be an absolute path to a script on your hdd,
  80. # instead you should run your (local if you wish) HTTP server which will
  81. # serve the MathJax.js script. You can easily (in four lines of code) serve
  82. # MathJax.js using
  83. # Do not forget the "http://" prefix (e.g. http://localhost:1234/MathJax.js)
  84. show-lhs-bird-tracks: no
  85. # specifies whether to show Haskell code blocks in "bird style",
  86. # with "> " at the beginning of each line.
  87. templates-dir: wikidata/_NOWIKI/templates
  88. # specifies the path of the directory containing page templates.
  89. # If it does not exist, gitit will create it with default templates.
  90. # Users may wish to edit the templates to customize the appearance of
  91. # their wiki. The template files are HStringTemplate templates.
  92. # Variables to be interpolated appear between $'s. Literal $'s must be
  93. # backslash-escaped.
  94. log-file: gitit.log
  95. # specifies the path of gitit's log file. If it does not exist,
  96. # gitit will create it. The log is in Apache combined log format.
  97. #log-level: WARNING
  98. log-level: DEBUG
  99. # determines how much information is logged.
  100. # Possible values (from most to least verbose) are DEBUG, INFO,
  102. front-page: Front Page
  103. # specifies which wiki page is to be used as the wiki's front page.
  104. # Gitit creates a default front page on startup, if one does not exist
  105. # already.
  106. no-delete: Front Page, Help
  107. # specifies pages that cannot be deleted through the web interface.
  108. # (They can still be deleted directly using git or darcs.)
  109. # A comma-separated list of page names. Leave blank to allow
  110. # every page to be deleted.
  111. no-edit: Help
  112. # specifies pages that cannot be edited through the web interface.
  113. # Leave blank to allow every page to be edited.
  114. default-summary:
  115. # specifies text to be used in the change description if the author
  116. # leaves the "description" field blank. If default-summary is blank
  117. # (the default), the author will be required to fill in the description
  118. # field.
  119. delete-summary: Deleted using web interface.
  120. # specifies text to be used in the change description when a page is deleted
  121. table-of-contents: yes
  122. # specifies whether to print a tables of contents (with links to
  123. # sections) on each wiki page.
  124. plugins:
  125. # specifies a list of plugins to load. Plugins may be specified
  126. # either by their path or by their module name. If the plugin name
  127. # starts with Gitit.Plugin., gitit will assume that the plugin is
  128. # an installed module and will not try to find a source file.
  129. # Examples:
  130. # plugins: plugins/DotPlugin.hs, CapitalizeEmphasisPlugin.hs
  131. # plugins: plugins/DotPlugin
  132. # plugins: Gitit.Plugin.InterwikiLinks
  133. #use-cache: no
  134. use-cache: yes
  135. # specifies whether to cache rendered pages. Note that if use-feed
  136. # is selected, feeds will be cached regardless of the value of use-cache.
  137. cache-dir: cache
  138. # directory where rendered pages will be cached
  139. max-upload-size: 128K
  140. # specifies an upper limit on the size (in bytes) of files uploaded
  141. # through the wiki's web interface.
  142. # To disable uploads, set this to 0K.
  143. # This will result in the uploads link disappearing
  144. # and the _upload url becoming inactive.
  145. max-page-size: 128K
  146. # specifies an upper limit on the size (in bytes) of pages
  147. debug-mode: no
  148. #debug-mode: yes
  149. # if "yes", causes debug information to be logged while gitit is running.
  150. #compress-responses: yes
  151. compress-responses: no
  152. # specifies whether HTTP responses should be compressed.
  153. #mime-types-file: /etc/mime.types
  154. mime-types-file: /usr/local/etc/apache24/mime.types
  155. # specifies the path of a file containing mime type mappings.
  156. # Each line of the file should contain two fields, separated by
  157. # whitespace. The first field is the mime type, the second is a
  158. # file extension. For example:
  159. # video/x-ms-wmx wmx
  160. # If the file is not found, some simple defaults will be used.
  161. use-recaptcha: no
  162. # if "yes", causes gitit to use the reCAPTCHA service
  163. # ( to prevent bots from creating accounts.
  164. recaptcha-private-key:
  165. recaptcha-public-key:
  166. # specifies the public and private keys for the reCAPTCHA service.
  167. # To get these, you need to create an account at
  168. access-question:
  169. access-question-answers:
  170. # specifies a question that users must answer when they attempt to create
  171. # an account, along with a comma-separated list of acceptable answers.
  172. # This can be used to institute a rudimentary password for signing up as
  173. # a user on the wiki, or as an alternative to reCAPTCHA.
  174. # Example:
  175. # access-question: What is the code given to you by Ms. X?
  176. # access-question-answers: RED DOG, red dog
  177. rpx-domain:
  178. rpx-key:
  179. # Specifies the domain and key of your RPX account. The domain is
  180. # just the prefix of the complete RPX domain, so if your full domain
  181. # is '', use 'foo' as the value of rpx-domain.
  182. mail-command: sendmail %s
  183. # specifies the command to use to send notification emails.
  184. # '%s' will be replaced by the destination email address.
  185. # The body of the message will be read from stdin.
  186. # If this field is left blank, password reset will not be offered.
  187. reset-password-message:
  188. > From: nobody@$hostname$
  189. > To: $useremail$
  190. > Subject: Wiki password reset
  191. >
  192. > Hallo $username$,
  193. >
  194. > Um ein neues Password zu setzen, ruf diese Adresse auf:
  195. > https://$hostname$/~ffdo/wiki$resetlink$
  196. >
  197. > LG vom
  198. > Automaten
  199. # gives the text of the message that will be sent to the user should she
  200. # want to reset her password, or change other registration info.
  201. # The lines must be indented, and must begin with '>'. The initial
  202. # spaces and '> ' will be stripped off. $username$ will be replaced
  203. # by the user's username, $useremail$ by her email address,
  204. # $hostname$ by the hostname on which the wiki is running (as
  205. # returned by the hostname system call), $port$ by the port on
  206. # which the wiki is running, and $resetlink$ by the
  207. # relative path of a reset link derived from the user's existing
  208. # hashed password. If your gitit wiki is being proxied to a location
  209. # other than the root path of $port$, you should change the link to
  210. # reflect this: for example, to
  211. # http://$hostname$/path/to/wiki$resetlink$ or
  212. # http://gitit.$hostname$$resetlink$
  213. use-feed: no
  214. # specifies whether an ATOM feed should be enabled (for the site and for
  215. # individual pages)
  216. base-url:
  217. # the base URL of the wiki, to be used in constructing feed IDs
  218. # and RPX token_urls.
  219. # Set this if use-feed is 'yes' or authentication-method is 'rpx'.
  220. absolute-urls: no
  221. # make wikilinks absolute with respect to the base-url.
  222. # So, for example, in a wiki served at the base URL '/wiki', on a page
  223. # Sub/Page, the wikilink '[Cactus]()' will produce a link to
  224. # '/wiki/Cactus' if absolute-urls is 'yes', and a relative link to 'Cactus'
  225. # (referring to '/wiki/Sub/Cactus') if absolute-urls is 'no'.
  226. feed-days: 14
  227. # number of days to be included in feeds.
  228. feed-refresh-time: 60
  229. # number of minutes to cache feeds before refreshing
  230. #pdf-export: no
  231. pdf-export: yes
  232. # if yes, PDF will appear in export options. PDF will be created using
  233. # pdflatex, which must be installed and in the path. Note that PDF
  234. # exports create significant additional server load.
  235. pandoc-user-data: wikidata/_NOWIKI
  236. # if a directory is specified, this will be searched for pandoc
  237. # customizations. These can include a templates/ directory for custom
  238. # templates for various export formats, an S5 directory for custom
  239. # S5 styles, and a reference.odt for ODT exports. If no directory is
  240. # specified, $HOME/.pandoc will be searched. See pandoc's README for
  241. # more information.
  242. xss-sanitize: yes
  243. # if yes, all HTML (including that produced by pandoc) is filtered
  244. # through xss-sanitize. Set to no only if you trust all of your users.
  245. recent-activity-days: 30
  246. # if the activity page receives no 'since' parameter specifiying the time
  247. # thereafter which to show the changes, it will by default show "recent"
  248. # changes. This allows you to specify how recent "recent" means, in days.
  249. [Github]
  250. # replace dummy oauthclientid and oauthclientsecret:
  251. oauthclientid: 01239456789abcdef012
  252. oauthclientsecret: 01239456789abcdef01239456789abcdef012394
  253. oauthcallback: http://mysite/_githubCallback
  254. oauthoauthorizeendpoint:
  255. oauthaccesstokenendpoint:
  256. ## Uncomment if you are checking membership against an organization and change
  257. ## gitit-testorg to this organization:
  258. # github-org: gitit-testorg